UPFI world character NFT

First of all, you need to lock the UPS to get 1,000 xUP reward to mint NFT at here or you need to have 2 UPFI. You can choose to lock in UPS between at least 7 days and up to 2 years. The longer you stake UPS, the more xUP you will get.

Step 1: You need to have a SPL wallet ( Phantom, Solfare, Solong, MathWallet, Ledger, Coin98 Wallet)

Step 2: Connect your wallet to our website https://play.upfiworld.io/mint

Step 3: Get xUP: click get xUP to transfer xUP reward from Stake (Governance)

Step 4: choose mint NFT by xUP or UPFI, then claim NFT to your wallet

Step 5: You can list your NFT on the Magic Eden marketplace at your desired price at here

First NFT mining program

  • Mint Price*: 1,000 xUP or 2 UPFI

  • Monthly Mint Supply: 200 NFT (total firt minting progam is 1,200 NFT, lasting 6 months)

  • Total Supply: 10,000 NFT

  • Minting time start: 02/28/2023

  • Minting program will end : 8/2023

To participate in this exciting event, please visit https://play.upfiworld.io/mint to mint your NFT.

Please note that the quantity of xUP/UPFI to be burned and the mint price may change according to market demand, so be sure to stay informed about any updates regarding the NFT minting event.

Last updated